  can you drink sprite with codeine

can you drink sprite with codeine

How much codiene do i mix with sprite to make drank? or enough to.

... you want- dose'nt matter- but i & most every one choose sprite. of taking to much of an opiate, therefor your able to drink more codeine that would normally make you.
DEA warns of soft drink-cough syrup mix - USATODAY.com

... typically mix an ounce of the syrup with Sprite, a sports drink or a. Too much codeine, which is produced from morphine, can depress the central nervous system.
I need the recipe for "Lean/Sizzurp/Purple Drank" [Archive.
How much Promethazine and Codeine syrup do you mix together with sprite to make purple drink? ChaCha Answer: Sizzurp is made with 12.
Purple drank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How much Promethazine and Codeine syrup do you mix together with.
Codeine and Promethazine - Addiction, Withdrawal, Detox and Treatment

Whats is Purple Drank? - Yahoo! Answers

Wayne says, "...and I like my Sprite Easter pink." In the album Tha Carter III. DJ Screw, who popularized the codeine-based drink, died of a codeine-promethazine-alcohol.
  • How do you make sippin syrup? - Q&A

  • so really all tha drink is Promethazine w/ Codeine, in (say) a sprite bottle, shooken up and then poured into a cup that has a jolly rancher and ice? can you use.
    I recommend codeine tablets instead- be wary of Tylenol poisoning.....better yet, drink the sprite and forget the codeine altogether. If you have to ask.
    ... containing codeine and promethazine.[1] Cough syrup is typically mixed with ingredients such as Sprite soft drink and. and yes it can kill you if you drink to.

    can you drink sprite with codeine How do You Make Purple Drank? - Answers.Ask.com

    How do You Make Purple Drank? - Answers.Ask.com I need the recipe for "Lean/Sizzurp/Purple Drank" How big of a thing is drinking "lean/sizzurp/drank" in Texas. How do you make purple drank with NyQuil - The Q&A wiki I need the recipe for "Lean/Sizzurp/Purple Drank" [Archive. what other ways can you drank purple lean - TEXAS TAKEOVER .
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